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slot box

Slot box – Systém pro wave prkna s více flosnami, nejčastěji se používá pro uchyení malých bočních flosen.

fins freestyle pro g10 unifiber
od 2 250 Kč
+ další
Na objednání (5–7 dnů)

The G10 construction increases both performance and strength. Happy at high speeds, with an amazing amount of pop, this model offers great grip for new-skool power moves and...

JP fin SideWave small jp slot box windsurfing
1 590 Kč
+ další
Na objednání (5–7 dnů)

Two supplementary fins positioned on the rail help to track and guide with their main purpose to provide additional grip in extreme turns. Light RTM technology (Resin...

JP Wave rtm carbon SB 23 wave windsurfing karlin
od 2 500 Kč
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Na objednání (5–7 dnů)

This Carbon fin features a more traditional outline. The base is wide, tapering only lightly towards the tip, thus preserving sufficient area in the swept back tip. Light RTM...

JP MultiWave rtm carbon SB 23 202 model
od 1 650 Kč
Na objednání (5–7 dnů)

In general, this new style of fin design provides speed combined with control and stunning turning ability. The outline has sufficient rake and area at the tip which results in...

jp slot box multi wave windsurfing karlin
od 1 660 Kč
+ další
Na objednání (5–7 dnů)

In general, this new style of fin design provides speed combined with control and stunning turning ability. The outline has sufficient rake and area at the tip which results in...

slot box jp windsurfing karlin flosna 2019
od 2 700 Kč
+ další

New fins with a slightly wider base offer more grip and drive. Thus, the length of the fins could be reduced adding to a better feel and maneuverability of the new boards.

6 položek celkem
<span>Doprava zdarma</span> již při nákupu nad 2000,-
Doprava zdarma
od 2000  Kč
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