Výprodej plachet Neilpryde - Slevy až 50 % na plachty 2023

Ráhno Point-7 Carbon+Pro

18 hodnocení

The first target from the Point-7 Black Team when developing a boom is the curve. This is not about having a curve from the new generation as many might call it. It’s about having a curve which allows your front and back arm to sit in a natural ergonomic position while sailing, automatically positioning the sail at the right angle for the wind to enter and exit the sail. This position varies with the wind strength and windsurfing discipline, so each boom size needs to be developed accordingly.

Velikost ráhna
Zvolená varianta není k dispozici. Reset vybraných parametrů.
17 700 Kč 18 900 Kč 19 700 Kč 21 800 Kč 24 000 Kč od 17 700 Kč
Dostupnost: Na objednávku Na objednávku Na objednávku Na objednávku Na objednávku Zvolte variantu
Můžeme doručit do:
4.11.2024 4.11.2024 4.11.2024 4.11.2024 4.11.2024 Zvolte variantu
Možnosti doručení
Kód: 4044/140 4044/150 4044/160 4044/170 4044/220 Zvolte variantu
Ráhno Point-7 Carbon+Pro
18 hodnocení
<span>Doprava zdarma</span> již při nákupu nad 2000,-
Doprava zdarma
od 2000,- Kč
Rychlé doručení do 24 hodin
Doručení do 24 hodin
Kamenná prodejna v Praze
Kamenná prodejna

Detailní popis produktu


The first target from the Point-7 Black Team when developing a boom is the curve. This is not about having a curve from the new generation as many might call it. It’s about having a curve which allows your front and back arm to sit in a natural ergonomic position while sailing, automatically positioning the sail at the right angle for the wind to enter and exit the sail. This position varies with the wind strength and windsurfing discipline, so each boom size needs to be developed accordingly.



Black Team Curves.

The needs of a wave boom’s curve is very different from the curve for a slalom boom, just like a slalom boom for strong wind is very different from a boom for light wind slalom – one needs to offer control and the other power. Developing the right curve brings comfort and, respectively, performance.


Back End width.

We have developed the correct tail width to suit each boom size and its uses. The width of the back end of a boom is very important – the wider, the more power; the narrower, the more control. We have studied each size to fit best the sail sizes it’s designed for.


Smart Balanced design.

Diameter is another important factor as it does bring comfort to the forearms and saves wasting energy whilst out on the water. At Point-7 we have developed our boom using the Octatube – a carbon tube shape with 8 sides, designed to ergonomically fit the natural shape of the hand when gripping. We vary the diameter used according to the discipline; 25mm for the wave boom, 26mm on the free wave\slalom 160 and 170-slalom boom, and 29mm on the two larger sizes of the slalom boom.



The stiffness of a carbon boom is also very important, the right mix between reflex and comfort needs to be found. Just as masts have different IMCS, our booms are also being developed to offer the right stiffness to allow comfort in smaller sails sizes, and more reflex in bigger sail sizes.



You can have the lightest and stiffest boom available, but if these main features are wrong then the boom will feel heavy and uncomfortable. The weight needs to be front oriented on the boom, leaving the tail end of the boom light. A heavy tail-end will make a light boom, in general, feel heavier than it really is. This is why we use a taper through to the tail section, the wider diameter allows to have thinner and lighter carbon walls where there is no need for us to grip, but also more stiffness where it is most important.


Automatic outhaul system.

Introducing the new quick adjustment lock for the outhaul system. No longer need to undo knots to fix your adjustable outhaul system. Keep the loop on the backend, make it go around the eyelet of the sail, and directly around the fixed round wheel of the boom. Save time while rigging. Available on the boom sizes: 170 | 190 | 220.

For the other smaller boom sizes, 140 | 150 | 160, a very similar concept is used, where a loop can easily be attached to a hook after going through the sail clew, and therefore no need to undo knots or waste time getting the ropes through boom back end holes.



Choose which wave sail construction is right for you.


The Carbon Wave|Freestyle Boom head for the 140 and 150 booms
A stronger connection with less stress on the mast. The new longer cup gripping the mast dilutes the stress on to the mast structure, increasing the stability of the connection. This will also assure that the head will not to slip down the mast even with very little rope tension. A great combination with the boom arms to great the max stability and reactivity in freestyle and waves.

Fits P7 RDM adaptors perfectly.

Boom clamp leverage:
Long and ergonomic to allow easy open and closing of the boom head, also when on the board. Easy setting of the rope.

Boom clamp:
The clamp holding on the boom arms can tilt according to boom height setting. It has 3 screws to secure it on the boom, allowing the one of the leverages to be independent to make the opening and closure of the clamp easy, but at the same time the head and the boom to be fully tighten to the max.

Boom Rope: The best grip and pre-stretched rope is given to make sure that the boom does not lose the pressure given to it while clamping. The rope is the formuline 3.8mm d12.


The Racing Boom head for the 160| 170| 190 | 220 booms
A flexible connection on the mast is very important when slalom sailing, to allow the mast to breath more and use all it’s reflex. This result in power and extra acceleration. This will also assure less stress to the mast and a successful grip that will save the mast from snapping when catapulting at the boom area.

Fits RDM adaptors perfectly.

Boom clamp leverage:
Long and ergonomic to allow easy open and closing of the boom head, also when on the board. Easy setting of the rope.

Boom clamp:
The clamp holding on the boom arms can tilt according to boom height setting. It has 2 screws to secure it on the boom, allowing the one of the leverages to be independent to make the opening and closure of the clamp easy, but at the same time the head and the boom to be fully tighten to the max.

Boom Rope: The best grip and pre-stretched rope is given to make sure that the boom does not lose the pressure given to it while clamping. The rope is a formuline D12 3.8mm


Boom Grip

Boom Grip

Boom Grip is lightly sanded, anti-slip pro grip: Less strength needed from you for a firm grip on the boom. Easy positioning marks for the harness lines.


Tail end:

Tail end: To be less bulky in maneuvers and high winds, the tail end is made to fit inside the boom body in the smaller sized booms: wave 140, 150, the free wave\slalom 160 and slalom 170. To further reduce the weight and increase the stiffness of the bigger 190 and 210 booms, the diameter of the tail pieces is increased and fit outside the boom body.

Tail end pulley system:the wave sizes have the quick loop system, while the slalom sizes are having pulleys to host the adjustable outhaul system or simple threading to fix the clew tension.

Boom double pin clips

Boom double pin

Boom double pin clips for a stiffer connection between boom body and tail end, with 2cm adjustments. Different sizes used to best suit the boom size.




Sail Range

Boom Head Diam(mm)


With Grip

Weight (kg)

140-190 Wave Freestyle 3.3 - 6.4 SDM |Rdm Adapter incl 25 28 1.9
150-200 Wave Freestyle Freeride 4.0 - 7.2 SDM |Rdm Adapter incl 25 28 2.0
160-210 FreeWave FreeSlalom 4.5 - 7.5 SDM |Rdm Adapter incl 26 29 2.2
170-220 Freeride Slalom Racing 5.8 - 8.0 SDM |Rdm Adapter incl 26 29 2.6
190-240 Slalom Racing 6.5 - 8.6 SDM 29 32 3.0
220-270 Slalom Racing 8.0 - 11.0 SDM 29 32 3.3

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Ráhna
Typ: monocoque
Materiál: Carbon
#sizes_table#: hidden

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Nevyplňujte toto pole:

Point-7 je vzrušující příběh, který se začal psát v roce 2005 díky vizionáři Andreovi Cucchimu. Když spatřil obrovský potenciál pro inovaci a obnovení zájmu o windsurfing v nové generaci, rozhodl se vykročit směrem k tomuto ambicióznímu cíli.

Jeho odvaha spojila osobní výzvu s podnikatelským duchem. Chtěl vytvořit zbrusu novou značku, která by dokázala konkurovat gigantům na trhu windsurfingového vybavení a získat uznání na světové windsurfingové scéně, včetně prestižní PWA (Professional Windsurfers Association).

Příběh začíná v okamžiku, kdy Andrea nemohl naskočit do letadla na svou plánovanou akci v Turecku. Letadlo náhle změnilo trasu a jeho vybavení se do něj nevešlo. Místo zoufalosti využil tento nečekaný volný čas k zahájení svého projektu. Oslovil tři lidi s otázkou, zda by mohli podpořit jeho nápad. Možná se ne všichni přidali k projektu, ale všichni sdíleli nadšení pro vytvoření něčeho nového a odvážného.

Zvláště jeho otec, Roberto Cucchi, stál u zrodu této nové značky a nadále ji podporuje. Jeho zkušenosti a vášeň jsou stále klíčovými pilíři společnosti Point-7. Roberto zůstává aktivní a stále přináší nové nápady, které pomáhají posouvat tuto značku vpřed.

Point-7 je tak příběhem odvahy, odhodlání a rodinného ducha, který spojil vizionářského syna s podnikavým otcem, aby vytvořili značku, která dnes patří mezi špičky ve světě windsurfingu.

Více na jejich webu.