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Nafukovací kite RRD Religion MK9

13 hodnocení

Společnost RRD začala vyrábět wavové speciály, tedy kity určené do vln, v roce 2004, kdy představila jejich Type Wave... a příběh dál pokračuje.Třída Religion je synonymem pro WAVE v mezinárodním kitovém jazyce. Od svého prvního uvedení na trh se tento kite mění každým rokem tak, jak probíhá vývoj v disciplíně sjíždění vln na kitesurfovém prkně.

Velikost v m²
Zvolená varianta není k dispozici. Reset vybraných parametrů.
Bar ?
standardní cena: 31 900 Kč –54 % 14 500 Kč
Dostupnost: Vyprodáno
Možnosti doručení
Kód: 24RE7K1
Nafukovací kite RRD Religion MK9
13 hodnocení
RRD Religion MK6 side 1
31 900 Kč –54 %
<span>Doprava zdarma</span> již při nákupu nad 2000,-
Doprava zdarma
od 2000  Kč
Platí to i na větší položky, jako jsou plachty nebo plováky.
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Detailní popis produktu


religion mk9 orange grayy predni stranareligion mk9 orange grayy predni strana  bocni

The first thing that comes to mind when this kite is mentioned is SURF.

As the first kite manufacturer to make a kitesurf specific kite, RRD knows a thing or two about wave kites. There are not many kites out there that can drift like the new Religion MK9, allowing you to ride the wave instead of being pulled by your kite. The new Religion MK9 is the epitome of the perfect kitesurfing kite.

The MK9 has undergone only minor changes compared to our most successful wave kite, the Religion MK8. The large sizes, 9m up to 12m, remain virtually the same while the smaller sizes, 8m down to 4m, have a revised leading edge and again the addition of a pulley. These changes on the smaller sizes allow the kite to self regulate in stronger conditions, which makes you hold on comfortable in stronger winds. Next to that it increases the wind range, and provides more hang time for those who still like to send it!

If speed is what you need, the MK9 is our fastest version yet! This significant boost in speed and performance position this kite into a more specific and focused wave catching machine. Unlike most fast turning surf kites on the market, the Religion MK9 still maintains that signature pull and power which helps to get in a few extra turns down the line.

With a new deep and long leading edge in the small sizes, the Religion MK9 now has more range and control in strong, gusty winds, more depower, and has also increased the kites upwind ability. The new shape not only improves the speed and reaction time but also allows you to kill the harness pressure when bottom turning and lining up for a big vertical turn on the wave or for more control during your strapless freestyle maneuvers. 

An additional, notable feature added to the new MK9, per the request of our top performers in the strapless freestyle kitesurfing discipline, is the front line trim settings that can be found on the bridle. We have added a wave setting and a freestyle wave setting. The freestyle wave setting pulls less on the harness, has a more direct bar feeling, de-powers the kite more when needed, and forces the kite to fly more towards the edge of the window which creates more lift! The wave setting is more suited towards purely riding in the surf with less bar pressure and a kite that sits deeper in the wind window, maximizing the drift for when riding down the line.

Since its first introduction, this kite has transformed together with the evolution of riding waves with a kite.

vlnonovy kite nafukovaci rrd religion mk9

rangeo f use rrd religion mk9vlasnosti rrd religion wave

  • Front-line trim setting with two options; wave / freestyle-wave
  • Quick Air Flow Valve, with special moulded protection cap and reduced dimensions
  • Bridle anti-tangle device
  • Wide tips for extra maneuverability
  • 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m & 8m have a pulley on the bridle, to handle the strong gusty conditions and improve the stability
  • 8m, 9m, 10,5m & 12m have a higher aspect ratio to improve the speed, power and reaction time.
  • Bullet proof construction that creates a strong structural frame with a mix of 195 grms. Polyant Dacron and light weight D2 Techno Force™ Double Ripstop
  • Internal and external extra reinforcements on every leading edge panel to ensure long lasting stitching and a rigid connection
  • Exclusive Strut/Leading edge reinforcement D2 Techno Force™ Double Ripstop panel sewn at 45 degrees on the larger sizes. This spreads the impact loads over a wider area
  • Radial Canopy reinforcements around the trailing edge of the kite, are positioned in a way that intersects the Techno Force Double Ripstop. This not only increases strength and durability on sensitive areas but also compliments the torsion placed on the kite, thus improving the overall flying characteristics
  • All struts are reinforced with Kevlar stitched to the ends which reduce abrasion and the new design also prevents sand from getting into the kite. The middle strut includes Kevlar and an additional layer of Dacron because it suffers the most on impacts
  • Our Bridle attachment points are reinforced with a soft PU external protection and an internal double adhesive Dacron patch, to increase durability
  • Our ‘External Scuff Protectors’ are additional reinforcements on all scuff points strengthened with EVA reinforcements to extend the life and durability of the kite. This EVA is then encased in Insignia secured by a double stitch that adds to the durability of high stress points.
line religion mk9


wave trick religion baracuda windsurifng karlin nafukovaci mk9 orange gray

Velikost Větrný rozsah
4 24/40
5 22/35
6 21/30
7 19/27
8 17/25
9 15/22
10,5 13/20
12 11/18

RRD Religion mk9 from RRD International on Vimeo.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Kite nafukovací
Typ: Wave, Snowkite
Rok výroby: 2019
#sizes_table#: hidden

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Bezpečnostní kontrola

Italská firma RRD (Roberto Ricci Designs) je významným hráčem v oblasti paddleboardů a má bohaté zkušenosti v windsurfingu a kitingu. Jejich inovace v designu a technologiích paddleboardů, jako je dynamový pás kolem paddleboardu a kombinace různých vrstev materiálu, posunuly paddleboarding do nových oblastí. RRD paddleboardy jsou známé svým unikátním designem, vynikající stabilitou a pohodlím na vodě, a jsou rychle rozeznatelné od jiných značek.

Jako primární distributori RRD v České republice a na Slovensku nabízíme exkluzivní ceny a jsme schopni poskytnout zákazníkům možnost testování a vytváření testovacích center. RRD je značka, s níž máme nejlepší zkušenosti, a jejich kompletní sortiment je u nás k dispozici pro testování.