Výprodej plachet Neilpryde - Slevy až 50 % na plachty 2023

Plovák JP Young Gun Magic Ride Es+Eva

5 hodnocení

Dětská puška od Jp pod názvem Magic Ride. Tento tvar je velmi široký a poskytuje stabilitu. This shape is very wide providing stability. Youngsters also get on the plane much quicker and initiating turns is easy due to the round outline.

Výtlak plováku
Zvolená varianta není k dispozici. Reset vybraných parametrů.
33 000 Kč
Dostupnost: Na objednávku
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Možnosti doručení
Kód: 15918/112
Plovák JP Young Gun Magic Ride Es+Eva
5 hodnocení
<span>Doprava zdarma</span> již při nákupu nad 2000,-
Doprava zdarma
od 2000,- Kč
Rychlé doručení do 24 hodin
Doručení do 24 hodin
Kamenná prodejna v Praze
Kamenná prodejna

Detailní popis produktu

mále jezdce

Designed to meet the needs of the new generation, featuring a reduced width stance and a shorter distance between footstrap plugs for narrower feet. With a variety of footstrap options every youngster will find their own individual correct footstrap position no matter what size, weight and sailing level. It works for anyone up to around 50 kilos.











Shape details

Wide enough and with sufficient volume to provide good stability for uphauling and learning for all youngsters, according to the feedback from customers, this model also suits the demands of lighter young guns. They will advance quickly and learn to sail back and forth happily in no time.
Already in light winds the board responds quickly to rig steering and is very easy to tack and gybe.
Once the young riders are more experienced, the board will progress along with them. The combination of a relatively small rig paired with the rider’s light weight will accelerate this board easily on to the plane. And once planing, foot steering requires little effort and initiating turns is very easy.

young gun freestyle jp 2024 happy girl

Eva deck

Full EVA deck with microdot structure guarantees good grip and great comfort on the entire board.

The Young Gun Magic Ride provides features which kids really need. The shape will get Young Guns planing quickly, initiating turns easily and – most important – having a ball on the water from the very first run!

poutka jp young plovak

Footstrap scale

Your friends and family constantly take your board and change the size of your footstraps? No problem anymore! JP's Footstrap scale allows easy adjustment to the foot size.

detail poutka foostra scale jp

Finy a klíčové vlastnosti

Výtlak Box system Velikost fin
112 l Powerbox FreestyleWave 27 + Fun 34
  • Small all-rounder and beginner board with centre fin adapted to children's needs
  • Reduced stance width and strap width combined with various strap positions
  • Special, reinforced nose protection
  • Full EVA deck with microdot structure for good grip and comfort
  • Footstrap with scale for easy adjustment to the foot size
  • Carry straps on the nose and tail
  • Long mast track to adjust the trim
  • Intuitive Guide Pad

profil magic ride young


Výtlak Rozměr Váha Vhodná velikost plachty
112 l 240x70 CM 8.8 KG ideal do 5.8 m²

Set obsahuje

Poutka Fina
poutka jp footstrap komplet wiht boards
fina na plovak jp detsky

JP Australie

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Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Se středovou kačenou
Rok výroby: 2023
Finbox: Power box
#sizes_table#: hidden
Poutka: v cenně
Finy: v cenně

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JP-Australia, založená Jasonem Polakowem v roce 1997, je uznávaná značka ve světě windsurfingu, známá pro své kvalitní a inovativní produkty. Specializují se na windsurfingové plováky, které jsou navrženy pro různé stylů ježdění - od freeride přes wave až po race a foil. V sortimentu JP-Australia najdete také SUP prkna a příslušenství. Spolupráce značky JP-Australia se značkou NeilPryde umožňuje kombinovat jejich windsurfingové plováky s kvalitními plachtami a komponenty od NeilPryde, což zajišťuje komplexní řešení pro windsurfery. JP-Australia je známá svým důrazem na inovace a výkon svých produktů.

Jako jediní v České republice úzce spolupracujeme s JP-Australia a nabízíme nejlepší ceny na jejich sortiment.