Flosna Unifiber Shallow Rider G10

Kód: UF034110030 UF034120030 UF034120032 19214/32/TUT UF034110034 UF034120034 Zvolte variantu
Značka: Unifiber
2 750 Kč
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Fin box
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Můžeme doručit do:
22.5.2024 22.5.2024 22.5.2024 22.5.2024 22.5.2024 22.5.2024 Zvolte variantu
Možnosti doručení

Keep the smiles coming even when the water runs low. A durable low draft fin to help learners gain control and confidence in the shallows. 

  • včetně obalu na finu
  • Power Box nebo Tuttle box 
  • G10

Detailní informace

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Detailní popis produktu

FinsShallow Rider G10

Keep the smiles coming even when the water runs low. A durable low draft fin to help learners gain control and confidence in the shallows. As teaching in groups often means keeping pupils close by and away from deeper water, the Shallow Rider copes with inevitable bumps and scrapes and helps novices learn to point and maneuver and sail away from the trouble!

Shallow Rider G10 range

Shallow Rider G10 pictrue fins  cely set
Shallow Rider G10 pictrue fins
Shallow Rider G10 pictrue fins  voda
Shallow Rider G10 pictrue fins  polozene

To nejdůležitější v bodechKlady a zápory

  • Very short fin size which is providing maximum amount of lift
  • Ideal for beginner and freeride boards
  • When considering a more multipurpose solution antiweed fins are also a good alternative with lower drag coefficient but will generate less lift considering equal fin size
  • When considering a more multipurpose solution antiweed fins are also a good alternative with lower drag coefficient but will generate less lift considering equal fin size
  • The comprimised fin shape in terms of fin outline and fin profile will cause more drag compared to more "mainstream" dsigned fins

Windsurf BaseplateSpecifications


Fin Discipline

Fin Area

Fin Cover


Shallow Water 373 cm2 YES


Shallow Water 424 cm2 YES


Shallow Water 480 cm2 YES

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Finy na windsurfing
Typ: shallow (mělká voda)
Finbox: Power box, Tuttle box
#sizes_table#: hidden

Weed Fins Knowledge with Ben van der Steen

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